Monday, September 28, 2009

Midweek Thoughts for 1.02

First off here is another regular recap/summery by g-man that I recommend over at

Again... I have read not spoilers so please don't spoil me. This is a no spoiler website.

Things I want answered this week.

  • Who is the Detroit Tigers baseball fan walking around during the flash forward (OK, at least answered by the end of season 2), and will he be angry when the/my Minnesota Twins beat them in the division this year (This, on the other hand, does need to be answered this week)?

  • Who is the person Mark/Demetri arrested and what exactly did they want her for? I picked up it had something to do with terrorism/dirty bombs?

  • Is Red Panda relevant or is it just a shout out to the production team?

  • And finally, from my fiance....How stupid do they think we are??????????? During the replay on Friday they pointed out all the major clues (bullet, kangaroo, three stars, etc.) in the commercials just in case we didn't realize they wanted us to notice them. REALLY???? If you are going to promo this as the next LOST and seek out LOSTies, people were paying attention.

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