Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Midweek Thoughts for 1.02 Round 2

Here is something that has really been bothering me this week...

Stan Wedeck's flash foward...I'm thinking that the future the characters see is based on the reality that exists as a result of them having the flash.  Again, I'm not going to go to far with this because we have very limited information (we being the non-spoiler crowd).  

So here is the mystery I would like to see solved...

Mark's flash includes him knowing about the flash forward.  He is working on trying to find the cause.  Now in Stan's flash he is sitting on the toilet.  This is the point that confuses me.  Being that he now knows the exact time and date of the flash, and he is sitting on the toilet reading the sports page?  Why would not be working on the case?  Shouldn't he be standing in the control center were they have a billion instruments set up around the world to determine what cause the flash. I would think that they would have camera feeds from around the world, geiger counters, satellite feeds, etc. Either he as serious diarrhea, or we are going to find out that he is sitting with a gun waiting for someone to come find him as a set up.  He may be like Mark as a gun ready for the guys coming for him.  My only thought was it will change, or he set himself up so that he would see that in the flash in order to set someone else up.  I could be that he follows through on it just so they can confirm the time/date of when they flash to.  One last thought... did he set himself up in order to try to hide something from himself? 

PS....Does he now have his life savings on Rays beating the Red Sox's?


  1. Surely an FBI agents are permitted to go to the toliet when they need to...

  2. *Surely even FBI...
